
Small stride towards the greatest moments

Illusion bearing foot prints of a life relished,
every moment and seconds of fulfillment.
The heart never lies,
the mind plays havoc to the soul's quest for truth.
A clash of the mind and the soul,
at loggerheads with each other.
It's a pack of lies,
striving to reason the inner self,
reaching for the moon is within reach.
The inner truth eluding farther,
stars are just a manifestation of the mind.
Standing at the crossroad of life.
languishing at the miscue,
missed opportunities of life,
we go back to the book.
A new start, swimming against the tide,
riding on the storm,
a small stride towards human happiness and building the pillar of human growth.
Live in the moment,
it may be steps away towards the future we crave.
It may take a life time.

With Love

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